If you think it is cold here at the moment…

A bit of military history for you.

I am sure that you all really appreciate the efforts of the caretakers to get the site open today – who wants an early start to Half Term anyway. However cold you might think it feels at the moment, it is of course nothing compared to a Russian winter. Ask Napoleon. This BBC report comes from the excellent “Bullets, Boots and Bandages”. It argues that Napoleon’s failure to equip his horses with winter horseshoes was a ” tiny logistical oversight …that would.. cost him dear. Winter horseshoes are equipped with little spikes that give a horse traction on snow and ice, and prevent it from slipping. Without them, a horse can neither tow a wagon uphill, nor use them as brakes on the way down. In the Russian winter of 1812, this spelt disaster for Napoleon.”

See what you think…

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