Obituary – Christopher Duggan

Christopher Duggan for obit handout  provider - Philip Cooke  Professor of Italian History and Culture 0141 444 8203 ...



If you click here you will get to the Daily Telegraph’s obituary for Christopher Duggan. He worked at the University of Reading from 1987, and was noted for his work on Italian history. Indeed, one of his earlier works, A Concise History of Italy would prove to be an excellent starting point for anyone coverwanting to understand the unique story that that country.

His last work was Fascist Voices: An Intimate History of Mussolini’s Italy  is described thus – Duggan turned to the inner lives of those ordinary people who supported Fascism. Much of the research for the book was carried out in an archive of popular diaries in a small village in Tuscany, which he loved visiting and spoke of with great warmth. 

It is well worth a read.

Mr Kydd.

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