Enrichment – something to discuss – David Olusoga argues that by today’s standards some of Churchill’s actions were those a of a war criminal.

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If you click here you you will get to The Independent’s write up of David Olusoga’s suggestion that, today, some of Churchill’s actions would be considered war crimes. In it he states, “while I’m personally glad that Churchill overcame Halifax in early 1940 and it was Churchill who faced the Nazis that year andthe-bombing-of-dresden-statue-overlooking-city the years that followed, that doesn’t mean that he wasn’t’ somebody that wasn’t responsible, or largely responsible, for the Bengal famine.”

Have a read and see what you think. You might like to also read about the bombing of Dresden as well. For balance, you should also read this account from the Imperial War Museum explaining how Churchill’s leadership did so much to save Western civilisation.

David Olusoga is one the three hosts of Civilisations – on BBC Two.

Mr  Kydd.

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