Enrichment – something to listen to. Radio 4 – Ukraine – how did we get here?

If you click here you will get to an excellent half hour discussion of the historical origins of the present war in the Ukraine. The programme description is included below.

The invasion of Ukraine is, according to the man behind it, a war all about history. President Putin has been explicit in his – highly contested – view that Ukraine is, and has always been, part of the Russian nation. So ideas about the past are crucial to what happens on the ground. As Europe endures its first major war of the millennium, Edward Stourton and a panel of guests explain the steps that have led to the conflict. They explore the deep history of the origins of the Slavic nations and the myth-making around it. They follow through to the present day, charting the emergence of a distinctive Ukrainian identity – amidst fierce opposition from those Russians who believe the spiritual and religious heart of their nation still lies across the Ukrainian border.

You might also like to click here to access a BBC article discussing five ways the war might end. They are worth a read / listen, and as ever, I would love to know what you think.

Mr Kydd.

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