Enrichment – somewhere to go. The world of Stonehenge exhibition at the British Museum.

If you click here you will get to the British Museum’s webpage on it’s new Stonehenge exhibition. The curator’s introduction is included below. A review from The Guardian can be found here.

Shrouded in layers of speculation and folklore, this iconic British monument has spurred myths and legends that persist today. In this special exhibition, the British Museum will reveal the secrets of Stonehenge, shining a light on its purpose, cultural power and the people that created it. Following the story of Britain and Europe from 4000 to 1000 BC, you’ll learn about the restless and highly connected age of Stonehenge – a period of immense transformation and radical ideas that changed society forever.

It is open until July, and I am going this Easter. In particular, I would love to know your views on the Nebra Sky Disc. A summary below.

Mr Kydd.

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