Obituary – Paul Farnes – the last Ace of the Battle of Britain


If you click here  you will get the BBC obituary for Wing Commander Paul Farnes, who died this week aged 101.

Farnes, a Hurricane pilot, was the last surviving ace, an accolade referring to those who brought down at least five enemy planes. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Medal, the highest honour in the air force for non-officers.

It is thought there are two other Battle of Britain pilots still alive. Neither were well enough in November to attend the annual memorial service which commemorates the pilots who fought in the war. The group are known as ‘the few’ after the famous line Winston Churchill’s speech: “Never was so much owed by so many to so few.”

Mr Kydd.

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Enrichment – something to discuss. Is Putin just a typical Russian autocrat?

Private Eye - 22nd January 2020

Private Eye – 22nd January 2020


So much of our Russian work is about levels of autocracy, central control and personality cults. It was once said of Stalin, that “all the past repeats itself, but acts only behind new masks”. We have discussed the place of Putin in the list of Russian rulers a number of times, but many would argue that recent developments have put the threat to Russian liberal democracy at a new level.

Three questions?

  • Does it?
  • If it does – how valid are parallels with our time period (1855 – 1964)?
  • Is the real lesson of our course (and indeed of the chaos of Yeltsin’s Russia) that liberal democracy cannot be effective in a country as diverse and huge as Russia?

Have a look at the links below – what do you think? Please be aware that different positions can be taken on all these issues…

  • Click here for an article from The Guardian suggesting that Putin’s ministers were not told of their recent forced resignation plans!
  •  Click here for Putin challenging Poland about its role in the Holocaust in the Second World War. Is this rewriting history?

    Putin "discovering" Roman pots in the Black Sea whilst on a diving holiday.

    Putin “discovering” Roman pots in the Black Sea whilst on a diving holiday.

  • Click here for a discussion of the treatment of Pussy Riot.
  • Click here for the article What happened to Russian democracy?
  • Click here for a list of political exiles Putin is accused of murdering.
  • Click here for a discussion of the staged pictures of Putin as an all action hero.
  • Click here for Peter Pomeranstev’s “Nothing is True and Everything is Possible: Adventures in Modern Russia”.

Have a read / listen / think, and make your own mind up. We will discuss this in History Society in the near future.

Mr Kydd.

Stop press – that Yeltsin video by way of contrast with Putin.

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Private Eye 22nd January 2020


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iGCSE enrichment – The Second Red Scare / McCarthyism – Is this tomorrow?

Is-This-Tomorrow-005-1200x1054If you click here you will get to the infamous “Is this tomorrow” cartoon in full. It is not subtle stuff to our modern eyes, and sums up the paranoia and feat of the Red Scare in 1940s / 1950s USA perfectly.

It was published in 1947, and the inside cover provides this dire statement:

“The average American is prone to say, “It can’t happen here.”  Millions of people in other countries used to say the same thing…. Today they are dead – or living in Communist slavery.  It must not happen here!”

Have a look for yourself.

Mr Kydd.

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Enrichment – places to go. Troy exhibition at the British Museum (until the 8th March)

Fillippo Albacini - The wounded Achilles

Fillippo Albacini – The wounded Achilles


Somewhere to visit this week. Click here and you will get to the information from British Museum on their Troy exhibition. It is open until 8th March, and for you guys it is £18.00.

Click here for The Guardian’s review of exhibition. As Laura Cummings’ suggests,”what is so remarkable about this British Museum show, is the many variations of this story it encompasses. Take Helen of Troy. Was she abducted, did she go willingly, why isn’t she known as Helen of Sparta? Why is she stinted in Homer’s Iliad, and never even makes it to Troy in Euripides’ eponymous play?

Go and have a look for yourself over half term.

Mr Kydd.

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Revision – Elizabethan religion. Revision and exam board materials (OCR Y107 Later Tudors)


Following on from today’s session please find the attached materials.

Exam board Scheme of Work



Two useful board screen shots

rel aimsElizabeth’s religious aims (remember that it is always easier to argue that Elizabeth was, as S.Doran suggested “a committed and conventionally pious protestant” who got the religious settlement that she wanted).


rel overviewAn overview of the topic and key issues. Note, the comparison of the Catholic and Puritan threats might look like a too large topic for a 35 minutes exam question. However, have a look at the chief examiner’s comments below. They could be taken as “two issues” in their own right.


Useful exam board materials

Below is the chief examiner’s generic comments in 2019 for those students who did well in their Tudor essays.

  • Discussed at least two issues in depth.
  • Gave supporting detail that was both accurate and relevant to the question set, not just the topic.
  • Reached a supported judgement about the issue in the question.
  • Made a series of interim judgements about the issues discussed in relation to the question.

Our comparison of similar questions

(with x2 ten minute podcasts discussing them)

Rel 1


Rel 2



Marking tasks and essay plans

(if you want them)

Mark these two essays – which is better? Why?

I hope that there is something helpful here.

One final point I forgot in the session. Know your Archbishops of Canterbury. Dickens and Fellows is very helpful here (pages 177 – 179). This is Jasmine’s version of the table on p179

Mr Kydd.


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Enrichment – something to discuss. Do school textbooks whitewash history?

schoolbook historianNo school subject is more contentious than history. This is because of its link to politics and how we view ourselves. The last politician to really try to impose his view on school history was Michael Gove in Coalition Government (2010 – 2015).  Equally, Jeremy Corbyn has suggested that schools should teach more about the role and legacy of the British Empire.

Yet, despite political interference, in British schools history departments are currently broadly free to teach what they want, in the way they want, using the materials that they want (the one exception is that we are required to teach the Holocaust). Underpinning all this of course are the questions – what is the role of history in the curriculum / who should decide what is taught? There is nothing new in this. The image on the left reflects a view as early as 1936 that schools history was whitewashed.

It might not surprise you that I have archived  old textbooks. They show a shocking change in how issues such as the British Empire, the abolition of slavery and the causes of First World War have been  presented over the last hundred years. A thread that runs through them is the omission of Irish history.

What is taught, what is omitted, and what materials are used is ever-changing. Something for us to discuss (carefully) in History Society.

Mr Kydd.

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Who should I vote for?


I guess that you are likely to be more IT-wise than me (not saying much I know), but please be careful if you use multi-choice election quizzes to help you decide who to vote for.  They are a great tool, but I have discovered that some are clearly put out by activists to guide you to their party (or more often away from their main rival). That said, the following two sites seem be helpful.

  1. The following BBC site always you to compare the parties policies on issues that matter to you. It is deliberately written in neutral language, and does not tell you who to vote for.
  2. I have tried the Who should I vote for site with different answers, and it seems to give the full range of parties. It seems fine.

Above all, please do register to vote. It takes 5 minutes. but the deadline is the 26th November.

Mr Kydd.

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Enrichment – something to discuss in History Society: – Starkey on Remembrance


If you click here you will get to the Daily Mail’s reporting of David Starkey’s suggestion that  Remembrance Sunday has become a ‘crazy religious ritual’ in which people had to prove they were thinking of the war dead.

Two things are very predictable here;

  1. David Starkey has a long track record of deliberately saying controversial things (click here for example for a discussion an earlier history society had about his comments on the 2011 riots – that was heated).
  2. The Daily Mail was always going to be outraged.

I am posting this not to make a judgement Starkey’s views (you can do that for yourselves), but rather to reflect on the question – why should we care what Starkey thinks? Why should we seek the views of a man who is after all an Early Modern specialist any more than any other academic ? We might also like to ask if quoting twitter responses is what journalism looks like in 2019?

Two questions.

  1. Is Starkey right?
  2. What does this latest Starkey spat (or indeed any other you care to pick) say about the role of the historian is the age of celebrity?

Have a think.

Mr Kydd.

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IGCSE enrichment – Nazi election / propaganda posters

doveFollowing on from today’s lesson, have a look at this collection of Nazi propaganda poster (upto 1933). Later posters can be found here (1933 – 1939) and here (1939 – 1945). The first page is most useful to us at this stage. Note how different groups are targeted with different messages.

Mr Kydd.

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