Enrichment – something to discuss in History Society

september_siteThe Case for Applied History

Can the study of the past really help us to understand the present? Click here for an article by Robert Crawford in September’s edition of History Today.

In An Autobiography, published in 1939, R.G. Collingwood offered an arresting statement about the kind of insight possessed by the trained historian. The philosopher of history likened the difference between those who knew and understood history and those who did not to that between ‘the trained woodsman’ and ‘the ignorant traveller’ in a forest. While the latter marches along unaware of their surroundings, thinking ‘Nothing here but trees and grass’, the woodsman sees what lurks ahead. ‘Look’, he will say, ‘there is a tiger in that grass.’

What Collingwood meant was that, through their familiarity with people, places and ideas, historians are often equipped to see how a situation might turn out – or at least identify the key considerations that determine matters. Collingwood’s musings implied an expansive vision of the role historians might play in society. Their grasp of human behaviour, long-term economic or cultural processes and the complexities of the socio-political order of a given region of the world meant that they could be more than just a specialist in the past. By being able to spot the tiger in the grass, historians might profitably advise on contemporary and future challenges as well….


Mr Kydd.

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Enrichment – place to go. Aftermath: Art in the Wake of World War One (Tate Britain)

ID_006NEWIf you click here, you will get to an an introduction article on   Aftermath: Art in the Wake of World War One  at Tate Britain until 23rd September 2018. It is excellent, and considers some of the ways in which artists dealt with and reflected on the horrific consequences of war in the 1920s.

“A landscape that was once green in the foreground haspaul_nash_-_wire_1918-19 been splintered so it’s just a blackened husk, a washed out trench looks apocalyptic and only a lone upturned helmet signifies there was ever any life here. These paintings don’t contain any bodies or even a drop of blood, yet they convey the same message. War is horrific. War is futile. War is hell. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.”


Mr Kydd.

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Politics enrichment – something to watch. Leadership with Steve Richards.

These are just excellent – enjoy…

Mr Kydd.

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Enrichment – something to read – Fascism: A Warning by Madeline Albright

20180804_opp501Madeline Albright was the Secretary of State in the Clinton White House (1997-2001). Born in then-Czechoslovakia, her family fled Hitler and the Nazis in 1938. Initially they came to Britain. Her latest book – Fascism – a warning  is a personal and urgent examination of Fascism in the twentieth century and how its legacy shapes today’s world.

Is Trump a Fascist ?

“A Fascist, observes Madeleine Albright, ‘is someone who claims to speak for a whole nation or group, is utterly unconcerned with the rights of others, and is willing to use violence and whatever other means are necessary to achieve the goals he or she might have.

The twentieth century was defined by the clash between democracy and Fascism, a struggle that created uncertainty about the survival of human freedom and left millions of innocent people dead. Given the horrors of that experience, one might expect the world to reject the spiritual successors to Hitler and Mussolini should they arise in our era. In Fascism: A Warning, Madeleine Albright, draws on her own experiences as a child in war-torn Europe and her distinguished career as a diplomat to question that very assumption.

Fascism, as Albright shows, not only endured through the course of the twentieth century, but now presents a more virulent threat to international peace and justice than at any time since the end of World War II. The momentum toward democracy that swept the world when the Berlin Wall fell has gone into reverse. The United States, which has historically championed the free world, is led by a president who exacerbates popular divisions and heaps scorn on democratic institutions. In many countries, economic, technological and cultural factors are weakening the political centre and empowering the extremes of right and left. Contemporary leaders such as Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un are employing many of the same tactics used by Fascists in the 1920s and 30s.

Fascism: A Warning is a book for our times that is relevant to all times. Written with wisdom by someone who has not only studied history but helped to shape it, this call to arms teaches us the lessons we must understand and the questions we must answer if we are to save ourselves from repeating the tragic errors of the past.”

If you click here you will get to an Economist interview with her, and below is an interview that she did last month with Andrew Marr.

I have a copy if anyone one to borrow it.

Mr Kydd.

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Enrichment – something to read. Overlooked No More: The Russian Icon Who Was Hanged for Killing a Czar

00overlooked-images-two-slide-SHMQ-superJumboYear Thirteen,

If you click here you will get to an article from the New York Times about Sophia Perovskaya – one of the five members of the People’s Will who assassinated Alexander II, and changed the direction of the Tsarist government.

“The first woman to be executed for a political crime in Russia, Perovskaya is credited with pushing the empire down the road to revolution and was later given the mantle of martyrdom. Tolstoy called her an “ideological Joan of Arc.”


Indeed, the execution of “Russia’s first female terrorist” matched the drama of the assassination. On April 15, she and her fellow militants were driven through the streets of St. Petersburg in tumbrels, dressed in black robes, with their hands tied behind them and black placards reading “Czaricide” hung around their necks. The cortege, under military escort, moved to the beat of drums through the throngs lining the streets.

Mr Kydd.

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Russia – reading and noting


Obviously there are four things to do over the summer for your A level history.

  1. Your Year Twelve notes audit (USA and Tudor).
  2.  Your two timed papers.
  3.  Your coursework introduction tasks.
  4. Your Russia introduction reading and noting. 


This post is intended to help you with the latter. PLease find an example of effective reading and noting of the first five pages of Satterwaite below. Underneath that, please find the videos that  I want you to watch. You should have x2 A4 pages of notes for each leader.

Mr Kydd.



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Enrichment – something to listen to – In Our Time – The Emancipation of the Serfs.

4If you click here you will get to last night’s edition of In Our Time on Radio 4. In it, Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the 1861 declaration by Tsar Alexander II that serfs were now legally free of their landlords. It is a great opportunity to hear historians debate a topic that you are studying.

Programme description.

“Until then, over a third of Russians were tied to the land on which they lived and worked and in practice there was little to distinguish their condition from slavery. Russia had lost the Crimean War in 1855 and there had been hundreds of uprisings, prompting the Tsar to tell the nobles, “The existing condition of owning souls cannot remain unchanged. It is better to begin to destroy serfdom from above than to wait until that time when it begins to destroy itself from below.” Reform was constrained by the Tsar’s wish to keep the nobles on side and, for the serfs, tied by debt and law to the little land they were then allotted, the benefits were hard to see”.


Sarah Hudspith
Associate Professor in Russian at the University of Leeds

Simon Dixon
The Sir Bernard Pares Professor of Russian History at UCL

Shane O’Rourke
Senior Lecturer in History at the University of York

Mr Kydd.

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Board work from revision today

War and revolution


Mr Kydd

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Enrichment – the “Belsen boys” who came to Ascot.

Ivor PerlIf you click here you will get to an excellent article from the BBC website about Holocaust survivors who ended up in Ascot. Beyond its local significance, it is a reminder that soon such personal memories will be lost to us.

The image to the left here is one of those boys – Ivor Perl.

“Shortly after the end of World War Two a group of young Holocaust survivors was flown to the UK to recuperate. Thirty of them were housed in the Berkshire town of Ascot, famous for the pomp of the Royal Ascot horse races, where they made an incongruous sight, writes Rosie Whitehouse. Margaret Nutley remembers her first meeting with a group of unfamiliar boys on the Ascot racecourse. It was autumn 1945, and they were playing football, wearing striped jackets from a concentration camp. “The course was not fenced off as it is today and us local children used it as a playground. One day I went up with my friends to muck about and there they were. They were just there, playing like the rest of us. “The boys showed us their tattoos and talked about what had happened to them, but not boastfully.”

Mr Kydd.

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Board work from the Easter revision sessions




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