Enrichment – things to watch. Timewatch: The Mary Rose

pomegranateIf you click here you will get to the BBC iplayer and Dan Snow’s Mary Rose Timewatch programme. It is excellent – particularly if you are thinking of archaeology as a degree course. You may also like to click here to visit the BBC’s online interactive guide.

Mr Kydd.

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Half Term Work


Over half term you need to do the following.

  1. Read and note this excellent web link in detail. Read this for extension.
  2. Question 14 – Page 24 (on sugar paper).

Make sure that you explain how the bodies link together.

Now use a piece of A1 paper to construct your own version of the diagram on Page 2. You should include as much evidence as you can and explain the links between the different parts of the system.

3. Essay (Examiner report and guidance on p26)

How important was the Privy Council in the government of England during the reign of Elizabeth ?

4. Watch the following;


Mr Kydd.


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Enrichment – something to watch. She Wolves – Helen Castor


A really excellent start to the course from the super Helen Castor.


Mr Kydd.



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Documents from the British Museum

BL_LogoYear Twelve,

Click here for some useful Mid Tudor documents from the British library. Note in particular;

Edward VI diary entry

The 1549 Book of Common Prayer

Foxe’s Book of Martyrs

The 1588 Speech by Elizabeth I.

Mr Kydd.

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History Today -why the Amada failed.

InvincibleArmadaYear Twelve,

If the click here you will get to Geoffrey Woodward’s 1988 article considering the reasons why the Armada failed.

He concludes “when the responsibility for the failure of the Spanish Armada is apportioned, the lion’s share of the blame should go neither to Parma nor to Medina Sidonia, but to Philip II. As Sir Walter Raleigh tersely put it somewhat later: ‘To invade by sea upon a perilous coast, being neither in possession of any port, nor succoured by any party, may better fit a prince presuming on his fortune than enriched with understanding’. The king had created the Armada, and in the end the king destroyed it.”

Have a read and see what you think.

Mr Kydd.

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Obituary – John Bossy

f39ab74b-3176-4782-a28f-100f58736be3-1360x2040Year Twelve,

Apologies – this news passed me by at the time. You will come across John Bossy when you write on Elizabethan religion. He was very much an original thinker, and wrote beautifully. He died in December, and ‘s obituary in The Guardian can be found here.

An extract follows.

“Deftly bypassing traditional disputes between historians of the Catholic Reformation and Counter-Reformation, Bossy dug deeper to discern a profound shift from Christianity being conceived as a community of believers to its being understood in terms of rival confessions of belief. This he considered, controversially, to be a wholly negative development, leading to a diminished religious universe, in which Christianity no longer performed the social miracle of ritualised reconciliation, symbolised by the role of the kiss of peace at the Mass. Instead, there was a new stress on the distinction between the godly – represented by seminary-trained priests and dynamic missionaries spouting hell-fire sermons – and the majority, for whom printed catechisms reduced Christianity to what could be taught and learned.”

Mr Kydd.

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History enrichment materials

Year Twelve,

Well done on finding the site – now bookmark it and this lovely introduction page


If you did not get to history society, you may like to watch the first part for David Starkey excellent series below. Try to write three – and only three things down.

Mr Kydd.

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Closing Post

thatsallfolksAs I am no longer teaching this course I will not be posting on these Tudor pages from now on. I will however leave them open in case they are of use to anyone.

Mr Kydd.

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The Tudors as we’ve never seen them before

HenryVIII_3036527bIf you click here you will get to Alastair Smart’s article in the Daily Telegraph review of the National Portrait Gallery’s “Real Tudors: Kings & Queens Rediscovered” exhibition.

“The curators are keen to stress how coloured our vision of the Tudor monarchs has become by the embellishments of film, theatre and other arts in the intervening centuries. Charles Laughton as the belching ruler in The Private Life of Henry VIII – gnawing his way through chicken legs to Oscar glory – is a prime example.

The aim of the new display, by contrast, is to consider how the monarchs would have been seen in their own time. Not simply by showing portraits from the NPG collection and beyond, but by applying to them the latest tools of scientific investigation: from dendrochronology and paint sampling to X-ray and infrared reflectographs.”

Mr Kydd.

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Quotation Bank

quotation-marks-300x224I think that you will all find that you owe Jonah a drink or two. He has kindly agreed to share his quotation bank with you. You can find it here.

Mr Kydd.

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